A:Mark. Where have you been? I’ve been calling you all morning.馬克,你去哪兒了?一個上午我都在找你。
B:I’ve been playing computer games.我一直在玩電腦游戲。
A:What? So you blew me off yesterday and today over a stupid video game? What game is so important that you have no time for me anymore? What are you playing?什么?你昨天不搭理我,今天去玩什么愚蠢的游戲?什么游戲對你如此重要以至于你都沒有時間來見我?你玩什么呢?
B:It’s called Counter Strike. It’s a first person shooter game. It’s awesome. It’s a multi player game where you can go online and compete against players from all over the world.叫《反恐》,是第一角度射擊游戲。它真是太棒了。它是互動游戲,通過聯(lián)網(wǎng)你可以和全世界的玩家對戰(zhàn)。
A:You’ve been wasting your time on this? I can’t believe it! It doesn’t even look fun or challenging!你一直將時間浪費在這游戲上面?我都不敢相信,那個游戲看起來并沒有意思或具有挑戰(zhàn)性.
B:My laptop is on my bed. If you think it’s so easy then get on line and try to beat me.我的筆記本就在床上。如果你認為這個游戲很容易,那就和我連線打敗我。
B:Damm it! How are you killing me with a single shot? It’s not fair! I don’t want to play anymore! Let’s go get something to eat.見鬼。你怎么一槍都把我打死了?太不公平了。我不想再玩了。我們去買點吃的吧。
A:Can you bring me something? I am totally hooked on this game!你能給我?guī)c東西嗎?我對這個游戲著迷了。