A:Hey Michelle, this is my friend James. He' s visiting Shanghai from New York.米歇爾,這是我的朋友,詹姆斯。他從紐約來上海玩。
B:Oh, hi James. Nice to meet you. So, uh, are you visiting for business or pleasure?哦,詹姆斯你好。很高興見到你。那你來這兒是辦公還是游玩的?
A:Well, actually a little of both. I' m meeting some business contacts but I' m also taking some Mandarin classes too.嗯,事實上兩個目的兼有。我來處理一些生意上的事,同時我還報了普通話班打算學一學。
B:That' s cool! How' s it going?酷!現在進行得怎么樣了?
A:Well, I' m finding the classes pretty tough actually, but I' m having a great time in Shanghai. It' s really an amazing city.嗯,事實上我發(fā)現,學習的內容比較難,但是我在上海的時間很充裕。上海真的是很了不起的城市。
B:It sure is. Are you staying for long?當然。你要在這兒待很久嗎?
A:Only two weeks unfortunately. I wish I could stay longer but.有點遺憾的說,只有兩個星期。我多希望我可以待的時間更久一點。
B:Well listen, if you need someone to show you the sights then just call me. I' m having a little get-together at my new apartment next week so if you want to drop by then.如果你想游玩,需要一個人給你當向導就打電話給我。下周在我的新公寓有個小聚會。如果那時你有時間,可以過來玩玩。
A:That sounds great. I' d love to! Let me take down your number,Michelle.聽起來不錯,我想我會去的!米歇爾,能告訴我你的手機號嗎?