A:Some people pile on their agonise and try to seek other’s sympathy by telling them how miserable they are.有些人過分渲染自己的痛苦,告訴別人自己過得多么凄慘以博取同情。
B:Yeah. They take the advantage of other people's hospitality and generosity.是的。他們利用人們的熱心和慷慨。
A:I was fooled once. A lady told me she needed some money to keep the pot boiling. So I gave her some money and bailed her out of the situation. But later I learned that she had lied to me.我就被騙過一回。一位女時候告訴我她揭不開鍋了,我就給錢給他解了難處,但是后來我才知道她說的是謊言。
B:You are still wet behind the ears. You should have seen through her.你太容易被騙了,你本應該看穿她的。
A:Nothing rang a bell.一點可疑之處都沒看出來呀。