A:There are so many eating utensils on the table. Which ones do I use first? 桌上有這么多餐具。我要先用哪些餐具?
B:Use them from the outside in. 使用餐具的順序是由外而內。
A:I see. A set for appetizers and another for the main course. 我懂了。一組刀叉用來吃開胃菜,另一組刀叉則是吃主餐用的。
B:Right. We do the same thing at home. Don't you remember? 沒錯。我們在家也是這么做的。你忘了嗎?
A:Oh yeah. The big napkin goes on my lap. 哦,我想起來。大餐巾就攤放在大腿上。
B:Let's look at our menus. 咱們看一下菜單吧。
A:Cindy, help me order because I'm still not very familiar with American cooking. 辛迪,幫我點菜,因為我對美式料理還不太熟悉。
B:Well, we order appetizers first and then entrees. 嗯,我們先點開胃菜然后再點主餐