1. It takes forever! 怎么等那么久啊!
2. I feek like killing someone. 我真想殺人.
3.Don't even think about parking here. 想都別想在這停車.
4.In your dreams. 你作夢去吧.
5.Over my dead body. 打死我我也不干.
6. Just buy the damn boat. 你就把那艘該死的船給買下來吧.
7. This one is a heck lot worse. 這個東西爛多了.
8. Read my lips. 你給我仔細聽好了.
9.I want tonight to be the night. 我要的那個晚上就是今晚.
10. She totally kissed me. 他真的親了我.