Easter is a holiday celebrated in March on the Sunday after the full moon, or on the Sunday after the first day of spring which I think is March 23rd. So it would be the Sunday after March 23rd.
Easter is a Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. That means the rebirth of Jesus Christ, when he was born again after his death. If you ask children, however, what Easter is all about, they will say that it is about Easter eggs and the Easter bunny. It’s interesting this tradition comes from a non-Christian source.
A long time ago when non-Christians would celebrate the springtime, there is a story of a bird who had a broken wing and a magician turned him into a rabbit so he would be able to survive the winter better. And this rabbit was still able to lay eggs like a bird. So now they celebrate the Easter Bunny during springtime and we—children paint eggs and adults hide them and the children have to go find the eggs and put them in their Easter basket.