1. 該起床了!
It's time to get up! / It's time to wake up!
It's time to get out of bed.
It's time to get ready.
2. 快點兒起床!
Get up soon.
3. 我真不想起。
I don't wanna get up. / I don't want to.
4. 你醒了嗎?
Are you awake?
5. 我剛醒。
I am now.
6. 鬧鐘響了嗎?
Did the alarm clock go off?
Did the alarm clock buzz?
Did the alarm clock ring?
7. 能幫我關掉鬧鐘嗎?
Would you turn off the alarm clock?
8. 請把鬧鐘關了。
Please turn off the alarm clock.
9. 你終于起來了。
You finally got up.
10. 我還困著呢!
I'm still sleepy. / I'm still drowsy.
11. 我還打哈欠呢。
I'm still yawning.
12. 我是個夜貓子。
I'm a night person.
13. 我可不是。我喜歡早起。
I'm not. I'm a morning person.