A Honey, the baby is up again. 親愛的,寶貝又醒了.
B It’s your turn! I went last night. 輪到你照看嬰兒了。我昨晚已經照看嬰兒了。
A Fine! Hello widdle baby! Why are you crying widdle baby? Oh, I see, you made a doo-doo! 好吧。小寶貝,你為什么哭呢?我明白了,你拉大便了。
B What’s going on hun? Why is the baby crying? 怎么了?嬰兒為什么哭?
A The widdle baby made a doo-doo! 寶貝拉大便了。
B What a good boy! Let’s get this icky diaper off you. 多棒的寶貝。讓我們把討厭的尿布換掉。
A Looky what I have here! Mickey Mouse jammies! oopsie-daisy! Did the widdle baby just tinkle all over daddy? 看,我拿來了什么。米奇睡衣褲。天哪!嬰兒尿了爸爸的全身?
B Yes he did! Yes he did! You just made a wee wee all over daddy! 是的,是的,寶寶你尿了爸爸全身。
A Hold still while I change this yucky diaper. 別動,我在換尿布.
B What going on in here? 怎么了?
A Oh look it’s nana! Say hi to nana! 看,奶奶來了。和奶奶打招呼。
B He’s so adorable! I could just eat him up! 他真可愛,我很喜歡他。
A Ok, say bye to nana! Time to go beddy-bye! 和奶奶說再見。到睡覺的時間了。