A Could you do me a favor and proofread my resume before I send it out to the human recources department?
B Sure, let me take a look... Personal Information, Education, Experience, Training... I think you should add another section for language. You speak three languages, so you might as well put that on your resume.
A But languages don't have anything to do with engineering. Shouldn't everything I put on my resume have something to do with my field?
B Not necessarily. I think people would be impressed by your language abilities. It says something about your level of intellect and experience. Also, I think human resources directors want to see more of a well-rounded person in a resume.
A It's just a piece of paper, you think that they can tell if I am a well-rounded person by looking at it?
B Well, you're right, the resume is limited in how much it can tell someone about a person. That's why job interviews are important to let people know the real you that they can't see from a piece of paper. But resumes can be helpful in explaining things and giving a good impression to a potential employer.