A:Does your family have a record of your ancestors?你們家有家譜嗎?
B:Sure. My mom has been working on our family tree for years. She’s always updating it.當(dāng)然有了。我媽媽這些年來一直在整理家譜,而且保持更新。
A:Do you have a copy of your family tree in your house? I’d love to see it.你家里有副本嗎?我很想看一看。
B:I can show it to you now, if you like. I think it goes back about 8 generations so far.如果你想看,我現(xiàn)在就可以拿給你。我想這本大概能追溯到8代前。
A:That’s amazing. Do you have a large extended family?這太有意思了,你們家族很龐大嗎?
B:I’ve got 30 cousins on my mom’s side and 10 cousins on my dad’s side.在我母親那邊我大概有30個堂兄弟姐妹,我父親這邊大概有10個。
A:Are you very close to your first-cousins?你和你的堂兄弟姐妹關(guān)系走的近嗎?
B:The ones that are my age are close relatives. Now that I’m older, I don’t spend as much time with them as I used to, so I don’t know my younger cousins as well as the older ones.跟我年齡相近的幾個是近親。既然我們一起長大,不會像以前那樣有很多時(shí)間和他們一起玩。所以那些年紀(jì)很小或很老的親戚,我都不怎么認(rèn)識。
A:I see. who’s the head of your household?明白了。誰是你家的一家之主?
B:It’s definitely my mother. And, her mother is definitely the matriarch of the bigger family.當(dāng)然是我母親。而她的母親算是這個大家庭的族長。
A:That’s interesting. What does your grandfather think of your step-mother?這真有趣。你奶奶是怎么看你繼母的?
B:At first, she was quite critical of her, but now that they’ve been married for a few years, she’s starting to accept the fact that my father divorced my mother.原來她好像總是挑她的刺,后來他們結(jié)婚的年頭久了,她似乎開始接受我父親和我母親離婚的這個現(xiàn)實(shí)了。
A:That’s pretty much how you feel about your step-mother. Like grandmother, like grandson.這大概也是你對你繼母的感覺吧。真是有其祖母,必有其孫子。