A:I suppose you like cinematography and costumes and that sort of stuff?我猜你很喜歡電影攝影和服裝之類的東西?
B:Yes, I do. The look of a picture is very important.對,我喜歡。電影的門面很重要。
A:I think sound is even more important! Guns, bombs, sirens--that's what makes a movie exciting!我覺得音效更重要!槍啊、炸彈還有警鈴——這樣電影才會刺激!
B:You wouldn't know a good movie even if it bit you on the nose.你就算看到了好電影也不會知道。
A:In my book, all a good movie needs is a chase scene and lots of things that blow up.在我看來,好電影只需要飛車追逐和許多爆炸場面。
B:Enough! If we don't finish the game, there won't be time for any movies tonight!夠了!要是我們不快點玩完這個游戲,今晚就沒時間看電影了!
關鍵字:興趣愛好 英語情景對話 日常英語口語對話