A:Should I go now?我現在可以了嗎?
B:Nice and easy. Just give it a little gas.放松點慢慢來。只要加一點點油門。
A:Nothing is happening!沒反應啊!
B:First you have to put the car into gear. Move this shifter so the arrow points at D for drive.你要先把車子掛檔。移動排檔桿,讓箭頭指向D,意思是前進檔。
A:What do these other letters mean?那其它的字母是啥意思啊?
B:R is for reverse, P is for park, and D1 and D2 are lower gears for going through snow, or up a steep hill.R是指倒檔。P是停車檔。D1和D2是在雪地里行駛或爬陡坡用的低速檔。