A:What's wrong?出什么事了?
B:I have a headache. These past few days I've been living off painkillers. Man, I feel like my head is going to explode.我頭疼。這些天我就靠止痛藥為生了。哥們,我覺得我的頭就要爆炸了。
A:You should get acupuncture treatment. My mom was always having headache issues and it was acupuncture that cured her.你應該接受針灸治療。我媽媽以前就經(jīng)常頭疼,后來用針灸治好了。
B:The results are too slow. On top of that, just the thought of smoking needles poking into my flesh frightens me.這個療效太慢了。一想到冒煙的針深入我的皮膚我就害怕。
A:They don't just randomly stick you, they find your pressure points. The heat allows the body to immediately respond to the treatment, restoring the body's "chi".他們不是隨便地戳進你的皮膚,他們只是在找你的血壓點。高溫可以讓你的肌膚承受這樣的治療,恢復身體的元氣。
B:But I get scared the moment I see a needle. How could I stand having needles in my body for hours on end?但是我一看到針,我就害怕。我怎么能忍受針在我身體里那么久呢?
A:The needles are very thin, and as long as the doctor's technique is good, and the patient himself is relaxed, it won't hurt-on the contrary it will actually alleviate pain. Now there are high-tech needles that are micro thin; they don't hurt at all. However, if you are really scared of acupuncture, scraping or cupping are also options.針非常得細小,只要醫(yī)生的手藝還算好,病人也很放松,就不會感到疼痛,相反,它可以治愈疼痛?,F(xiàn)在那里有微型的高科技的針頭;它完全不會傷害到你。但是,如果你真的很害怕針灸治療,刮痧或者拔罐也是可以的。
B:Scraping is too terrifying. When they finish scrapping, your body is all red, as if you were just tortured. Cupping is the same, your body ends up with red circles all over. It looks like someone beat you up.刮痧太嚇人。當你結束刮痧治療,你的身體全都紅了,就好像你受虐了一樣。就好像你遭到毒打了一樣。
A:This only signifies that the toxins have left the body. Actually, there is only discomfort during the treatment process. Once it's over you feel very comfortable.這就代表著毒素已經(jīng)排除你們體中。事實上,治療過程只有一點點不舒服。一旦過去了,你就會感覺很舒服了。
B:Chinese medicine is strange. The patients are already ill, and then the doctor makes them suffer more.中醫(yī)很奇怪。病人已經(jīng)病了,而醫(yī)生讓他們更受罪。
A:This is the only way to get at the problem. Anyway, if you want to relieve the pain, you are just going to have to be tough and do it.這是治愈病的唯一辦法。無論如何,如果你想舒緩疼痛,你就必須能夠忍受治愈他的過程。
B:Forget it. I don't want to inflict any more pain on myself. In a little while I'll go and buy some more painkillers and take a nap.算了吧,我可不想讓自己更痛苦呢。等會我要去買更多的止痛片,然后休息一會兒。