來(lái)源:曲靖市教育局 閱讀:1840 次 日期:2017-06-23 14:21:10

一、考 試 性 質(zhì)






以現(xiàn)行的《全日制義務(wù)教育 普通高級(jí)中學(xué)英語(yǔ)課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(實(shí)驗(yàn)搞)》為依據(jù),以《高等院校英語(yǔ)專業(yè)英語(yǔ)教學(xué)大綱》為參考,結(jié)合高中教材的英語(yǔ)知識(shí)內(nèi)容和高中英語(yǔ)教師應(yīng)具備的英語(yǔ)專業(yè)知識(shí)水平和英語(yǔ)教育能力要求確定考試內(nèi)容。

















9.感嘆詞:感嘆詞what 和why的用法。






13.虛擬語(yǔ)氣:虛擬條件句、wish后的賓語(yǔ)從句、if only引起的感嘆句。










































I.Vocabulary and Structure  (40分)

Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in the following. For each sentence there are four choices marked A., B., C., and D. Choose the One that best completes the sentence.

1. _______ student who wants to join us, please sign your name here.

    A. One            B. Any           C. Some          D. Which

2. It was essential that all the necessary documents _______ in to the personnel office.

  A. are handed       B. be handed      C. are to hand    D. must be handed

3. If only he ___________ what I tell him, but he won’t.

    A. had done        B. would do       C. would have done     D. has done

4. I insist on __________ this small present as a token of my appreciation.

    A. you to accept                  B. your accepting

C. you to accepting               D. you for accepting

5. If you pour oil on water, it ______ float.

    A. will            B. shall            C. can            D. may

6. There was so much noise that the speaker couldn’t make himself _____.

    A. hearing         B. to hear          C. being heard     D. heard

7. ________ a crowd of spectators, Bill felt nervous.

    A. Watched    B. Watching     C. Having watched   D. Being watched by

8. Not until ten o’clock ___________ it was too late to return.

    A. we realized      B. we did realize    C. did we realize   D. realized we

9. The police investigated the ______ about the bank robbery.

    A. stander-by       B. stander-bys      C. standers-by     D. standers-bys

10. If you should meet Mr. White or Mr. Black, tell _______ about the meeting.

    A. him            B. them            C. themselves     D. himself

11. You need to find a better dictionary, _______?

    A. don’t you       B. needn’t you       C. won’t you      D. need you

12. _______ to pay for it.

   A. Neither you or he is                B. Neither you or he are

     C. Either you or he is                 D. Neither you and he are

13. I’ll leave you a note _________ he’ll know where we are.

     A. in order         B. for             C. so that       D. so as

14. The football match was televised ____________ from the Workers’ Stadium.

     A. alive            B. life             C. live         D. lively

15. They did not find ______ to prepare for the worst conditions they might meet.

     A. worth their while  B. it worthwhile    C. it worth     D. it worthy

16. In fact _____________ of the contradictory judgment is valid.

     A. each            B. some           C. every       D. both

17. Please hand in your papers ________.

     A. in the right orders  B. in right order C. in right orders  D. in the right order

18. I need a book dealing _____ pollution problems.

     A. with            B. to              C. on         D. about

19. The size of the audience, ___________ we had expected, was well over one thousand.

     A. whom           B. who            C. as          D. that

20. By the time you get to Beijing next week, I ________ for Shanghai.

     A. have already left   B. shall leave      C. am leaving   D. shall have left

21. When Anne got to class, she was horrified _________ to study for the test.

A. discovering she forgot            B. at discovering she had forgotten

C. to discover she had forgotten       D. to discover she forgot

22. Ted ________ to find a new apartment for some time.

     A. was tried        B. has been trying    C. goes to try     D. is trying

23. In one year rats eat 40 to 50 times of__________ weight.

     A. its              B. their            C. the           D. that

24. Of the two new teachers, one is experienced and __________.

     A. the other is not                   B. another is not

     C. other lacks experience              D. that other is not

25. A large _______ of older-model cars do not have proper smog-control devices.

     A. amount          B. number         C. plenty      D. quantities

26. A nail has got into the machine. That’s _________ is wrong with it.

     A. which           B. that            C. what        D. how

27. _______, there would almost certainly have been civil and political chaos.

     A. If the attempted assassination succeeded

     B. Had the attempted assassination been succeeded

     C. Had succeeded the attempted assassination

     D. Had the attempted assassination succeeded

28. You see a rainbow as an _____ when the sun is behind you and the sky in front of you is filled with moisture.

    A. ache        B. acre           C. arctic         D. arc

29.My gaze suddenly fell on a ________ object.

    A. curious-looking                 B. curiously-looking

    C. looking-curiously                D. looking-curious

30.As I ________ my cats, I suddenly remembered that it was your birthday.

    A. feed        B. am feeding      C. had fed       D. was feeding

31.The Paris plane has not yet arrived, and I wonder when ________.

    A. it will come  B. it comes         C. it has come    D. it will be coming

32.The government is trying to do something to ________ better understanding

between the two countries.

    A. raise        B. promote        C. heighten      D. increase

33.He came all the way to China for his marriage, _______ for making money.

    A. rather than   B. more than       C. better than    D. other than

34.The doctor insisted that his patient _________ three months.

    A. that he not work too hard for      B. take it easy for

    C. taking it easy inside of           D. to take some vacations for

35.Some of the milk turned sour before reaching the market and _________ away.

    A. must throw   B. had to throw    C. had to be thrown D. must be thrown

36. ______ about the tragedy, we would never have come without first calling.

    A. Do we hear     B. If we heard   C. Did we hear    D. If we had heard

37.He was advised that he ________ singing lessons.

A. will take      B. had taken      C. should take    D. took

38.We can’t understand why he avoided ________ to us.

A. to speak      B. to speaking     C. having spoken   D. speaking

39.Miss Ogden is looking at a water-color painting and appears quite _________.

A. to be interested   B. to be interesting   C. interested   D. interesting

40.Tom prefers this diagram _______ that one.

A. than         B. more than       C. for           D. to

II. Reading Comprehension  (40分)

Directions: There are four passages in the following. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A., B., C., and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Passage One

Everybody feels pain sometimes: the pain in the head that comes after eating ice cream or drinking cold water; the sudden muscular pain; the “stitch” that attacks long distance runners or others whose activity has put great demands on the oxygen supply of the body. These temporary pains are not cause for alarm; they usually disappear quickly, return rarely, and signify little.

In contrast are the unusual, chronic, or exceptionally severe pains that require attention from a physician, who can determine whether or not they require special care. Angina pectoris (心絞痛)is a heart pain that lasts from two or three minutes to ten or fifteen. Identification is extremely important, because special drugs are needed for relief and the doctor’s understanding and advice may prevent recurrence of the condition.

Only a doctor can recognize what are called referred pains. These originate at one point, but are left at another to which they have been carried by the nerves.

A person with continuous pain becomes irritated, tired easily, has difficulty in sleeping, loses appetite, and may even become the victim of what has been called an anxiety state or nervous breakdown. Few diseases develop without pain at some stage, and many involve so characteristic a pain as to make diagnosis certain. Whenever a pain is so severe, so prolonged and so unusual as to arouse alarm, a physician should be consulted.

41.The “stitch” that attacks long distance runners is __________.

A.mainly the result of too much practice

B.a(chǎn) kind of temporary pain but a cause from alarm

C.probably caused by lack of oxygen supply of the body

D.of great significance to the athlete

42.One feature of the angina pectoris is that it _________.

A.comes and goes suddenly

B.last for some time

C.cause pain on parts of the body other than the chest

D.is difficult to identify

43.Chronic and referred pains are similar in that both ________.

A.a(chǎn)re felt some distance from the source

B.last for some time

C.recur a lot

D.should be diagnosed by a doctor

44.A person with continuous pain may suffer various disorders except that may ________.

A.easily forget lots of things         B.lose their temper easily

C.been nervous and jumpy          D.have no desire to have meal

45.What is true?

A.Pains would be always cared about.

B.Referred pains can be recognized by a doctor.

C.Ordinary people are afraid of pains.

D.Some people do not feel pains.

Passage Two

In ancient times, it was said that there were two methods of fighting, the one by law, the other by force; the first method was that of men, the second of beasts; but as the first method was often insufficient, one must adopt the second as well. It was, therefore, necessary for a prince to know how to use the beast and the man. This was covertly taught to the rules by ancient writers, who related how Achilles and many others of those ancient princes were given Chiron the centaur to be brought up and educated under his discipline. The fable of the semi-animal, semi-human teacher was meant to indicate that a prince must now how to use both natures and that the one without the other was not durable.

A prince, being thus obliged to know well how to act as a beast, must imitate the fox, and the lion, for the lion could not protect himself from the traps, and the fox could not defend himself from wolves. Those that wished to be only lions did not understand this. Therefore, a prudent ruler ought not to keep faith when by doing so it would be against his interest, and the reasons which made him bind himself no longer exist. If men were all good, this precept would not be a good one; but as they were bad, and would not observe their faith with you, so you are not bound to keep faith with them. Nor had legitimate grounds ever failed a prince who wished to show colorable excuses for the nonfulfillment of his promise. Of this one could furnish an infinite number of examples, and show how many times peace had been broken, and how many promises rendered worthless, by the faithlessness of princes, and those that had best been able to imitate the fox have succeeded best. But it was necessary to be able to disguise this character well, and to be a great feigner and dissembler, and men are so simple and so ready to obey present necessities, that the one who deceives will always find those who allow themselves to be deceived.

46.In ancient times some writers believed that __________.

    A. keeping faith makes men free

    B. people can protect themselves only by being brave

    C. princes are half human and half animal

    D. leaders don’t have to be consistent

47.The lion represents those who ________.

    A. never trust others          B. have strong wills

    C. are brave and clever        D. lack intelligence

48.It is learnt from the passage that Chiron was ________.

    A. admired for his trickery

    B. an admirable ancient scholar

    C. a semi-animal, semi-human creature

    D. an ancient writer

49.The writer suggests that a successful leader must _________.

    A. be prudent and faithful

    B. cheat and lie

    C. have principle to guide his actions

D. follow the truth

50.The best title of the passage is ________.

    A. Fighting Methods

    B. Princes and Their Enemies

    C. Semi-animal and Semi-human Teacher

D. Faithfulness and Faithlessness

Passage Three

Is it possible to persuade mankind to live without war? War is an ancient institution, which has existed for at least 6 thousand years. It was always bad and usually foolish, but in the past the human race managed to live with it. Modern ingenuity has changed this. Either man will abolish war, or war will abolish man. For the present, it is nuclear weapons that cause the most serious danger. But bacteriological or chemical weapons may, before long, offer an even greater threat. If we succeed in abolishing nuclear weapons, our work will not be done. It will never be done until we have succeeded in abolishing war. To do this, we need to persuade mankind to look upon international questions in a new way, not as contests of force, in which the victory goes to the side, which is most skillful in killing people, but arbitration in accordance with agreed principles of law. It is not easy to change very old mental habits, but this is what must be attempted.

   There are those who say that the adoption of this or that ideology would prevent war. I believe this to be a big error. Their adherents believe in them so fanatically that they are willing to go to war in support of them.

The Movement of world opinion during the past few years has been very largely such as we can welcome. It has become a commonplace that nuclear war must be avoided. Of course very difficult problems remain in the world, but the spirit in which they are being approached is a better one than it was some years ago. It has begun to be thought, even by the powerful men who decide whether we shall live or die, that negotiations should reach agreements even if both sides do not find these agreements wholly satisfactory. It has begun to be understood that the important conflict nowadays is not between different countries, but between man and the atom bomb.

51.This passage implies that war now is ____________.

A. worse than that in the past

B, as bad as that in the past

C. not so dangerous as that in the past

D. as necessary as that in the past

52.In the sentence “Modern ingenuity has changed this” (Paragraph 1), what change does the author refer to?

A. The fact that war has always been bad.

B. The fact that man has managed to live with war so far.

C. The fact that war will abolish man.

D. The fact that war has existed for thousands of years.

53.From Paragraph 2 we learn that the writer of the passage ____________.

A. is an adherent of some modern ideologies

B. does not think that the adoption of any ideology could prevent war

C. believes that the adoption of some ideologies could prevent war

D. does not doubt the truth of any ideologies

54.According to the passage, modern weapons _____________.

A.need further improving

B.will help abolish war

C.put mankind in serious danger

D.a(chǎn)re essential in modern times

55.The writer believes that the only way to abolish war is to ___________.

A. destroy nuclear weapons

B. let the stronger nation control the world

C. improve chemical weapons

D. solve international problems through negotiations

Passage Four

Reading to oneself is a modern activity which was almost unknown to the scholars of the classical and medieval worlds, which while in the 15th century the term “reading” undoubtedly meant reading aloud. Only in the 19th century did silent reading become commonplace. However, one should be cautious to assume that silent reading came about simply because reading aloud is a distraction to others. Examination of factors related to the historical development of silent reading reveals that it became the usual form of reading for most adult reading tasks mainly because the tasks themselves changed in character. The last century saw a steady gradual increase in literacy, and thus in the number of readers. As readers increased, the number of potential listeners declined, and thus there was some reduction in the need to read aloud. As reading for the benefit of listeners grew less common, so came the flourishing of reading as a private activity in such public places as libraries, railway carriages and offices, where reading aloud would cause distraction to other readers. Towards the end of the last century there was still considerable argument over whether books should be used for information or treated respectfully, and over whether the reading of materials such as newspapers was in some way mentally weakening. Indeed this argument still remains with us in education. However, whatever its virtues, the old shared literacy culture had gone and was replaced by the printed mass media on the one hand and by books and periodicals for a specialized readership on the other. At the end of the last century students were being recommended to adopt attitudes to books and to use skills in reading them which inappropriate, if not possible, for the oral reader. The social, cultural and technological changes in the century had greatly altered what the term “reading” implied.

56.“Reading to oneself” means _________.

    A. reading aloud to oneself

    B. reading aloud to oneself as well as to others

    C. both silent reading and reading aloud to oneself.

    D. silent reading

57.From the beginning of the passage, we can infer that __________.

    A. it was not until the 15th century that people began to know the difference between reading aloud and silent reading.

    B. scholars of the classical and medieval worlds could only read aloud

    C. silent reading was not popular before the 19th century

    D. silent reading was not accepted before the 19th century

58.Silent reading came about because ___________.

    A. reading aloud could disturb others

    B. the number of people who could read was increasing

    C. people preferred to read in public

    D. people were less interested in reading aloud.

59.According to the context, the word “commonplace” most probably describes something ____.

    A. that often happens, and therefore is not surprising

    B. that does not often happen, and therefore is surprising

    C. that is very surprising

    D. that is very unusual

60.In the passage the writer tries to show _________.

    A. the correct attitude towards reading

    B. how the present-day reading habits came about

    C. different attitudes towards books

    D. the change of the world

III. Proofreading and Error Correction(20分)

Directions: The passage contains some errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error or no error. In each error case, only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way:

When ^ art museum wants a new exhibit, it           (1)    插入an

never buys things in finished form and hangs         (2)   去掉 never_

them on the wall. When a natural history museum 

wants an exhibition, it must often build it.            (3)  改為exhibit

When Americans meet their friends, they often start

their conversations with greeting and may then ask about       (1)_______

their friends, families, and jobs. Most in the time the           (2)_______

conversation is optimistically, even conversations about

sad events such as serious illness, family problems            (3)_______

of deaths usually end up with in a hopeful way.               (4)_______

The people discuss special family events such as marriages,

births, graduations, new jobs and new-built homes.            (5)_______

One friend will usually wish the other good luck or

offer congratulation. If the news is not good or unhappy,        (6)_______

he or she will express sympathy and then add

a hopeful and encouraged comment. There are                (7)_______

special rules of the discussion of money.

Friends like to share good news like a job promoting           (8)_______

or buying a new house, a car or furniture. And they            (9)_______

seldom discuss the amount of money they have got

or spent. A friend might tell you how many an               (10)_______

item costs, but it is not polite to ask for, “How much does it cost?”


I.  Translation from English into Chinese(20分)

I think it is true to say that, in general, language teachers have paid little attention to the way sentences are used in combination to form stretches of connected discourse. They have tended to take their cue from the grammarian and have concentrated on the teaching of sentences as self-contained units. It is true that these are often presented in “contexts” and strung together in dialogues and reading passages, but these are essentially settings to make the formal properties of the sentences stand out more clearly, properties which are then established in the learner’s mind by means of practice drills and exercises. Basically, the language teaching unit is the sentence as a formal linguistic object. The language teacher’s view of what constitutes knowledge of a language is essentially the same as Chomsky’s knowledge of the syntactic structure of sentences, and of the transformational relations which hold them. Such a knowledge ‘provides the basis for actual use of language by the speaker-hearers’. The assumption that the language teacher appears to make is that once this basis is provided, then the learner will have no difficulty in dealing with the actual use of language.

II.  Writing(20分)

Directions: This is a reading passage from Student’s Book 1. Now suppose you are an English teacher to give your students a reading lesson. Please try to write a passage about your teaching ideas.

What is standard English? Is it spoken in Britain, the United States, Canada, Australia, India and New Zealand? Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English. Many people believe the English spoken on TV and the radio is standard English. This is because in the early days of radio you will hear differences in the way people speak.

When people use words and expressions different from the “standard language”, it is called a dialect. American English has many dialects, especially the Midwestern, southern, African

American and Spanish dialects. Even in some parts of the USA, two people from neighboring town speak a little differently. American English has no many dialects because people have come from all over the world.

Geography also plays a part in making dialects. Some people who live in the mountains of the eastern USA speak with an older kind of English dialect. When Americans moved from one place to another, they took their dialects with them. So people from the mountains in the southeastern USA speak with almost the same dialect as people in the northwestern USA. The USA is a large country in which many different dialects are spoken. Although many Americans move a lot, they still recognize and understand each other’s dialects.

III. 簡(jiǎn)述題(用中文答題)(10分)

請(qǐng)簡(jiǎn)述《全日制義務(wù)教育  普通高級(jí)中學(xué)《英語(yǔ)課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)》(實(shí)驗(yàn)稿)》的主要內(nèi)容。



2.《全日制義務(wù)教育 普通高級(jí)中學(xué)英語(yǔ)課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(實(shí)驗(yàn)稿)》中華人民共和國(guó)教育部制訂,北京師范大學(xué)出版社。



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