1.hide and seek: 捉迷藏
hide: 隱藏;躲避;隱匿
seek:尋找 探尋
例句:Peppa and George are playing hide and seek. Peppa和喬治在玩捉迷藏。
例句:He must quickly find somewhere to hide before Peppa finishes counting. 他必須在Peppa數(shù)好之前迅速找到地方藏好。
3 upstairs: adv.在樓上 adj. 樓上的 n.樓上
例句:George, have you thought of looking upstairs? 喬治,你想過(guò)要看看樓上么?
4.curtain: 窗簾;幕;遮蓋物
例句:Peppa isn't behind the curtain. Peppa不在窗簾后面。
5.basket: 籃;筐
例句:George is in the toy basket.喬治在玩具筐里。